Tag Archives: excellent new book about seahorses

Magic of seahorses

Photograph: Steve Trewhella
Photograph: Steve Trewhella

The Guardian has an extract from an amazing new book about seahorses – Poseidon’s Steed by Helen Scales.  It’s filled with beautiful, vivid descriptions:

Should we presume these odd-looking creatures were designed by a mischievous god who had some time on her hands? Rummaging through a box labelled “spare parts”, she finds a horse’s head and, feeling a desire for experimentation, places it on top of the pouched torso of a kangaroo.

This playful god adds a pair of swivelling chameleon eyes and the prehensile tail of a tree-dwelling monkey for embellishment – then stands back to admire her work. Not bad, but how about a suit of magical colour-changing armour, and a crown shaped as intricately and uniquely as a human fingerprint? Shrink it all down to the size of a chess piece and the new creature is complete.

And fascinating facts: Continue reading Magic of seahorses