Animals in Barcelona

Articles in ‘Animals in Barcelona’

Griffon vulture in Barcelona

October 23rd, 2013
Foto: El voltor del Port de Barcelona ha estat finalment capturat pels Agents Rurals i ara s'està recuperant al CRF de Torreferrussa. Es troba bé i en companyia d'altre voltor, també ingressat.

El buitre leonado joven que merodeó durante un par de días por el puerto de Barcelona, ha sido capturado por los Agents Rurals y trasladado al Centro de Recuperación de Fauna de Torreferrussa.

A Griffon Vulture, which most unusually has been hanging around Barcelona harbour for the last few days, has finally been captured by wildlife agents, and is now recovering in a rescue centre. I’ve never heard of vulture landing in the city before, though apparantly a black vulture was spotted a few weeks ago above L’Hospitalet.

Barcelona skies

October 4th, 2013
Foto: Remarkable photos by Laurent Godel of swifts flying over the skies of Barcelona. More here:

Remarkable and beautiful photos by Laurent Godel of Alpine swifts flying over the skies of Barcelona. More here on his website.

The Common Swift leaves Barcelona in late July / early August, but the larger Alpines will stay on till October before heading off for its African winter home.

Guadí’s snake?

October 4th, 2013
Foto: We came on this very young horseshoe whipsnake this morning on the stone steps of Guadi's Bodega Güell in El Garraf built as a winery for the slave-enriched Catalan industrialist Güell. Albert, our toddler, was very excited by his first snake. Not venomous but this one was certainly feisty.

We came on this very young horseshoe whipsnake this morning on the stone steps of Guadi’s Bodega Güell in El Garraf built as a winery for the slave-enriched Catalan industrialist Güell. Albert, our toddler, was very excited by his first snake. Not venomous but this one was certainly feisty.

Sagrada Familia’s falcons

May 13th, 2013
Foto: Very much enjoyed the peregrine falcon watch this morning in front of the Sagrada Familia. Highlight was watching close-up with a telescope a female devour with gusto a pigeon as feathers were pulled out and floated in the air around Gaudi's spires, but must missed spectacular mid-air kill as was on swing-seesaw-slide duty at that moment. Thanks to Eduard Durany and Sergi Garcia for organsing the do. Image from

Very much enjoyed the peregrine falcon watch this morning in front of the Sagrada Familia. Highlight was watching close-up with a telescope a female devour with gusto a pigeon as feathers were pulled out and floated in the air around Gaudi’s spires, but must missed spectacular mid-air kill as was on swing-seesaw-slide duty at that moment. Thanks to Eduard Durany and Sergi Garcia for organsing the do. Image from

Dolphins spotted in Barcelona harbour

April 25th, 2012

Remarkably, four bottlenosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were spotted inside Barcelona harbour (Moll de Barcelona) last month by wildlife experts, the first sighting in recent times in the port itself, though the animal is reasonably common in waters off Barcelona. Loved to have seen them! More here in Catalan

Wolves escape from Barcelona zoo

March 30th, 2011

Two wolves escaped today from Barcelona Zoo, causing a minor panic among the authorities, and leading to the zoo being temporarily closed. They were caught an hour later. Video here

Wild boars in Gràcia

September 8th, 2010

A remarkable story. A family of wild boar have been spotted wandering around Gràcia, deep into urban Barcelona. More from Lucy’s blog here on iberianature.

The Rambles one hundred years ago

March 9th, 2010

The Barcelona Photographic Archive has just released a hundred or so photos taken between 1907 and 1908. They were taken by Frederic Ballell, one of the pioneers of Catalan photojournalism, who delighted in documenting the daily life of the city. Above a goat herder passes by Palau Moja, below a puppy seller. From La Rambla, hace un siglo

See also History of Les Rambles

The last dairy of Barcelona

April 23rd, 2009

I love the idiosyncrasy of many of the small shops in Barcelona. One of my recent favourites is a lovely little shop selling dairy products in the centre of Gràcia, in Carrer Torrijos, just up from the market. The establishment was last functioning dairy (vaquería) in Barcelona. Changes in public health laws took away the cows some 25 years ago, but the old livestock stalls can still be seen today amongst the clutter of the shopkeeper’s storeroom. Many Barcelonans over thirty odd can still remember going  with their mothers to buy milk fresh from the udder right in the centre of the city. In my mind, the place should be protected as part of the city’s heritage, but is under threat from the owners of the building.

Barcelona’s pigeon problem

April 16th, 2009

Barcelona is failing to reduce its superpopulation of 256,000 pigeons in the city. Hordes of elderly protectors feeding them bread have ensured that despite large figuers being spent on their erradiction, the number of pigeons has increased from 180,000 in 1991. There is currently no city bylaw against feeding them.
Read in La Vanguardia

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