
Articles in ‘Directory’

The best bakeries in Barcelona

April 5th, 2009

Good bread used to be hard to across in Barcelona but in recent years things have improved significantly with a plethora of artesan, eco and tradional bakeries opening up.

The Catalan version of Time Out in Barcelona this week published this list of its favourite bakeries in Barcelona with a write-up on each one. Here are the top ten:

10. Forn de l’avinguda
Av. Mistral, 60. Telf.: 93 325 52 44

09. Forn d’en Pere
Sants, 326. Telf.: 93 440 14 36

08. Escribà
Gran Via, 546. Telf.: 93 454 75 35

07. Crustó
València, 246. Telf.: 93 487 05 51

06. La Trinitat
Pl. Trinitat, 13-14. Telf.: 93 345 36 78

05. Mistral
Ronda Sant Antoni, 96. Telf.: 93 301 80 37

04. Balmes
Balmes, 156. Telf.: 93 218 07 10

03. Barcelona-Reykjavic
Doctor Dou, 12 i Astúries, 20. Telf.: 93 302 09 21

02. Baluard
Baluard, 38-40. Telf.: 93 221 12 08

And the winner:

01 Turris
Aribau, 158. Telf.: 93 217 96 06

Per als amants del bon pa, entrar a Turris és la perdició absoluta. Només posar-hi els peus, la vista salta d’un producte a l’altre sense acabar-se de decidir entre la vintena de pans que s’hi poden trobar i les glàndules salivals del panarra comencen a actuar de manera automàtica. I és que la qualitat guia en Xavier Barriga, fi ll de forners badalonins que va voltar món abans d’instal·lar-se a l’Eixample barceloní ara fa poc més d’un any. L’èxit del seu negoci ha estat absolutament aclaparador gràcies a uns pans fets amb tot l’amor on tots els elements apareixen en perfecta harmonia. Un dels productes més venuts de la casa és el Turris, un pa de crosta gruixuda i molla humida, fresca i un punt àcida que remet directament als pans “d’abans”, fins i tot si el record és molt llunyà o ja inexistent. Si compreu un pa Turris, us costarà 5,20 euros/kg.

Best rooftop bar-restaurant in Barcelona

March 26th, 2009

La Miranda Del Museo is my favourite rooftop bar-restaurant in Barcelona. It is located between Barceloneta and the Gothic Quarter in the Palau de Mar, the only building which still survives from Barcelona’s Old Port. The first three floors of the building are taken up by the Museu de Historia de Catalunya. Take the lift up to the fourth floor. Superb views of Barcelona harbour, Montjuic and Tibidabo.

Mediterranean cusine specialised in seafood. A reasonably-priced lunch menu is available during the week. Cafeteria service is also offered during museum hours. A great place to admire the city with a coffee.


  • Address: Plaza Pau Vila, 3
    4th Floor, Attic
    08039 Barcelona
  • Directions: Metro: L4 Barceloneta
  • Prices (restaurant): 31 to 40
  • Open: Tuesday-Saturday
  • Telephone: 93 225 5007

An Arab restaurant in Barcelona

March 24th, 2009

I had a rather nice meal last week in Restaurante Kasbah, my favourite Arab restaurant in Barcelona. The decor is great fun with the usual tapestries, mosaics, low tables and stools, and a fountain tinkling away right in the middle of the dining room. Extensive menu with Maghrebi, Near Eastern and French food.

Dishes: couscous (the lamb and chickpeas is lovely), tajin (superb), brochettes, mutabal. And make sure your try the nems – delicious chicken rolls-  and the kubeiba suri – raw meat patties, though have it as a starter not as a second course.

A full meal should come to around 20 euros.

Vila Vila 82. Poble Sec

Teléfono 93 329 8384.

Metro Parel.lel.
More here

Pakistani baker

March 22nd, 2009


My favourite Pakistani baker’s in Barcelona. Excellent meat samosas, Tikeyas and spicy chicken rolls, along woth sickly sweet delicious Arab and Asian sweets.

Address: Calle Hosiptal.

Ethiopian restaurant in Barcelona

March 19th, 2009

I had a very enjoyable meal last week at Abissinia, Barcelona’s only Ethiopian restaurant last week. We sat on low wooden stools and were served selections of meat and vegetable dishes on hourglass-shaped straw tables called mesobs. The food is served directly on large pancake-like bread (injera), which you pull apart with you hands and use to scoop up your food with. No cutlery is provided. Excellent value at 15 euros a head.

Address: Abissinia, Torrent de les Flors 55, Tel. 93 213 0785

Good review here from the Metropolitan.

Jamaican restaurant in Barcelona

March 19th, 2009

Stush and Teng claims to be the only Jamaican restaurant in Spain.

Reggae record shop in Barcelona

March 19th, 2009

If reggae’s your thing, check out Rimshot Records (Gignas, 30) the only specialist reggae store as far as I know in Barcelona. Good selection of new releases and back catalogue and info from the guy who runs the store on what’s going on in town reggae-wise and how to get there.

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