petty crime in Barcelona

The decline of Les Rambles

May 24th, 2009

Excellent article from the Guardian on the fall from grace of what was once Barcelona’s best loved street. “Drunken tourists, desperate prostitutes and petty crooks have rendered it charmless, tawdry and dangerous.”

The Guardian

The article also quotes La Vanguardia in a similar tone “A dark boulevard where drunks impose their style, where wallets disappear and there are fights and muggings,” it reported. “The sensation is of chaos, of a lost city. Barcelonans are turning their backs on it.”

History of Les Rambles

Dangers in Barcelona

May 13th, 2009

These sites have a list of potential dangers and scams awaiting the visitor to Barcelona. Although the city must be one of the safest cities in the world, it has it fair share of pickpockets, bag snatchers and scallywags fed by large pockets of poverty, and non-violent crime in the tourist areas is pretty common. Common sense will avoid most problems. Outside the tourist honey pots, the chance of anything happening to you is extremely unlikely.
Yahoo answers
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