where to buy English books in barcelona

Where to buy English books in Bareclona

March 16th, 2010

These days, Barcelona has a good selection of bookshops selling books in English.

Hibernian Bookshop – C. Montseny 17, Tel.  932 174 796. The city’s only second-hand English book shop

La Central Raval– C. Elisabets 6, Tel. 902 884 990. One of my favourite shops in Barcelona. In an old convent. Good selection of English and history books. See also La Central C. Mallorca 237, Tel. 902 884 990, 

Come in C. Balmes 129, bis, Tel. 93 453 12 04/93 453 18 06 Specialised English bookshop number 1

BCN books Roger de Llúria 118, Tel. 93 457 7692,  Specialised English bookshop number 2. Both good

Laie C. Pau Claris 85, Tel. 933 027 310, Lovely shop with English selection in modernist building

And special mention to Oryx. The best natural history bookshop anywhere in Europe with huge selection in English, Spanish and Catalan. Good selection of scopes, binoculars, feeders and other wildlife gear too. Great for browsing away on a rainy day. A personal favourite.

And another special mention to Altair, possibly the best travel bookshop in the world. Hundreds of titles in English. Another fave of mine.

See also FNAC shops (www.fnac.es) and Casa del Libro www.casadellibro

Secondhand books in Barcelona

April 24th, 2009

Hibernian Books is the biggest -and as far as I know with the demise of Elephant Books- the only secondhand English Bookshop in Barcelona. They claim to stock 30,000 titles. They have a very small section of new books.

  • Address C/Monseny 17, Gràcia. Metro Fontana.
  • Opening times: Monday: 16:00 to 20:30, Tuesday to Saturday: 10:30 to 20:30

Website here

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