October 30th, 2009

With breathtaking views of the Himalayas, you can soar alongside Egyptian Vultures and Black Kites who will approach to take food out of your hand. They are specially trained rescue birds who can’t be returned to the wild. Among them is Kevin the young Egyptian Vulture, famous for his scrapes with Steppe Eagles. The ultimate aim of the venture is to draw attention to the serious decline of Asian vultures, being poisoned to extinction by vet-prescribed drug Diclofenac. Visit
www.parahawking.com for more information, as well as
Adventure holidays in Nepal, Nature holidays, Nepal nature, Wildlife holidays in Nepal | Tags: adventure holiday in Nepal, flying with birds of prey in Nepal, flying with vultures, paragliding adventure in nepal, paragliding with raptors, parahawking in the Himalayas, saving Asian vultures, vultures endangered by diclofenac|